Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Drunk Duck is up!!

Hmm, after a bit of googling I actually found drunkduck comic hosting again (and my comics intact) but behind a completely new link!!

Here's the link:

I'm gonna fix the links in all my sites etc when I have time.

For those who'll rather read the updates on my comics there, here are the new links:
Taint of Exile:
Tari Uyest':

The new pages of TWOD will be there in a few minutes.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A real update!

Hi there!

Some sad and otherwise busy times have kept me from serious drawing.
I'm slow in my work now, but I thought that by keeping it slow with out any stress I will not only do better, but also feel better about it.
So, I'm very sorry for the long breaks in updates, but I hope you will enjoy unrushed pages and thus so the wait will be worth it :)

BUT i actually updated TWOD!!!
It's two pages of which the second one will be up tomorrow (it's a timed update).
These are the pages I began working on during the time of mourning after my grandfathers death more than a month ago. I feel relaved to have them done and online. It's like one chapter has now ended and the next is just beginning.

Since DrunkDuck has been down for a very long time the updates can be found only at Smackjeeves now. Please enjoy them!